After handing over some ill fitting tourist clothes and bus fare, Tony flew away towards home. But then he started to rehash what had just happened, and couldn’t help but doubt himself. He decided to ask his A.I. her opinion. “Hey FRIDAY, do you think I did the right thing?”
“Peter rides the bus every day,” she said, “He should have no trouble getting home.”
“Not that. I mean spanking him. Do you think it was… I don’t know… wrong?”
“Corporal punishment is generally considered to be wrong in our society.”
“Yeah, but… Thor’s dad spanked him, and he turned out to be a great guy, right?”
“True, but Loki’s father spanked him as well, and he’s a murderer.”
“Shit, you’re right.” Tony muttered. After a pause he said, “Well, what’s done is done, and Peter reminds me a lot more of Thor than Loki. We’ll just have to keep an eye on him and make sure he’s okay.”
“Project baby monitor is still in full effect.”
“Good. Give me a daily update on his status, and let me know if anything seriously bad happens.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Feeling slightly better about it, Tony headed for home and tried to decide how to explain this to Happy in a way that wouldn’t get him ratted out to Pepper.
The End
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