I'm trying something new. It's an idea from my friends Relic, and Flynn. The following is a table with fifty different prompts. Each one is supposed to prompt an author to write a story centered on the prompt. Eventually this table will have links to each of the stories that various authors send me. If you think you might be interested in writing a story for this, please let me know via email here . As I get authors to agree to write stories, I'll put their names under the prompts so that everyone knows that that prompt is taken it's first come first serve. As soon as I get all the prompts filled, I will start to put up links to each of the stories.
Here are the rules:
1 All stories are to be in the Supernatural universe
2 All stories must have at least one spanking in them. The spanking can be for discipline, lust (if the characters are over 18), or anything you like. The spanking can be between any characters you like.
3 Stories can be any length half a page, ten pages, fifty pages .
4 Stories can be any rating from G to NC17, and a rating should be at the top of the story.
5 Stories can be any type - general, original characters, straight, slash, and wincest stories are all welcome and the type of story should be noted at the top of the story.
6 Stories will be due the last day of November 2007 (but hopefully will be done before that).
7 Authors may have anywhere between one and five prompts each, and don't have to be taken in any particular order.
All of the stories are now spoken for. As I get the stories sent to me, I will update the site with links to each one. :)