Prodigal Son Stories

Stand Alone Stories

A Force to be Reckoned With - This story takes place during Season 1 Episode 6. Jessica will do whatever it takes to help her son sleep, much to Malcolm's dismay. Posted February 2020.

You Didn't Win - This story takes place during Season 2 Episode 5. Malcolm is less than happy that Ainsley put her life in danger for a story and decides to treat her the same way Gil treats him when he's reckless. Posted January 2023.

Prodigal Son Short Stories 1 - This is a series of 5 little spanky short stories for episodes one through five that I wrote while re-watching the show with friends. Posted July 2024.

Prodigal Son Short Stories 2 - This is a series of 5 more little spanky short stories for episodes six through ten that I wrote while re-watching the show with friends. Posted July 2024.

Prodigal Son Short Stories 3 - This is a series of 5 more little spanky short stories for episodes eleven through fifteen that I wrote while re-watching the show with friends. Posted August 2024.

Prodigal Son Short Stoires 4 - This is a series of 5 more little spanky short stories for episodes sixteen through twenty that I wrote while re-watching the show with friends. Posted August 2024.

Prodigal Son Screencaptures courtesy of me - I did them myself.

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