Author’s Note: A blurb for season 1 episode 16 ‘The Job’. Some lines are taken straight from the show.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters, and I’m not making any money from this story.
Warning: Non-consensual spanking of an adult.


Don’t Ignore Protocol - S1xE16

Malcolm took a cab to the docks and immediately spotted his friend Vijay’s Porsche. He had to admit he felt a bit betrayed. Of course his ‘friend’ was making a deal with the bad guys behind his back. It felt like boarding school all over again. Except this was a lot more dangerous than hanging out with the popular crowd.

Malcolm walked up to the Porsche and knocked on the window.

“How’d you find me?” Vijay asked, sounding more annoyed than guilty.

Malcolm said, “Your dad used to use these docks to smuggle cocaine in the 80’s. You used to brag about how he ran down a Colombian hitman in his Bentley. You were in the back.”

Vijay sighed and shook his head. “Yeah. That’s great. You need to go.”

“You told me you weren’t going to do a side deal. You lied to me,” Malcolm said.

“This is my job. Making deals with bad people.”

Agitated, Malcolm gestured wildly as he said, “These aren’t just ‘bad people’, Vijay. There’s a Thrill Killer. This isn’t just another deal.” He shook his head and added, “Gil’s on his way. All we have to do is wait.”

The robbers’ van pulled up in front of the Porsche.

“Gil’s not going to make it,” Vijay said. “They’re here. You have to leave. If they find out you’re a cop—”

Malcolm cut him off. “Dead. Got it. I’m not leaving.” Malcolm knew Gil would want him to wait, but he couldn’t let the bad guys get away without checking them out, so got out of the car along with Vijay. “Come on. I’m meeting new people. Being social. It’s good for us.”

Malcolm quickly convinced the bad guys that he was an appraiser for the stolen watches that Vijay was there to buy back for his insurance company. But unfortunately, the bad guys hadn’t brought the watches with them. Instead they put Malcolm and Vijay in the back of their van and took them to another location to make the deal. Luckily the other location was less than ten minutes away, so they didn’t have long to wait.

Things were going smoothly for the most part, until Malcolm started asking too many questions while doing his fake watch appraisal, making the bad guys suspicious.

The head of the robbery crew, Coop, completed the deal with Vijay, and sent one man to escort Vijay back to the Porsche with the watches. But instead of letting Malcolm go with him, the leader of the crew kept Malcolm there to figure out who he really was. While they were taking Vijay away, Malcolm loudly mentioned Vijay’s dad and his Bentley in the hopes that Vijay would get the hint he was trying to convey.

Over the next twenty minutes, Malcolm talked to the robbers, and slowly determined which one of them was secretly a killer and why, much to the dismay of the three other robbers. Soon people were shouting and guns were drawn as the bad guys tried shooting each other.

Unfortunately for Malcolm the killer happened to be the one person who didn’t get badly wounded from the gunfire. Just as the killer was about to shoot Malcolm, Vijay drove his Porsche into the room, and rammed his car into the Thrill Killer.

Malcolm stood there stunned for a few moments.

Vijay tog out of his car cheering.

“You did it! You came back!” Malcolm wasn’t sure which was more surprising. That Vijay had actually gotten the hint and come back to run over the bad guy with the car, or that he’d come back for Malcolm at all since he’d recovered the watches.

“Of course!” Vijay said. “I clocked this address when I was making the deal with Coop. And I got your hint about my dad running over the coke dealer. That was the plan, right?”

“Yeah! But I just can’t believe it worked.”

“I couldn’t leave a buddy behind.”

“Right. Thanks, buddy.” Malcolm gave him a somewhat awkward friendly punch on the shoulder. It still felt surreal to know that his old friend had voluntarily come back to save him when he didn’t have to.

Vijay smiled. “And how often do you get to run a guy down in a vintage Porsche?”

Malcolm laughed at his friend’s enthusiasm.

Gil and Dani rushed into the building with guns drawn.

“Bright! You okay?” Gil asked.

Smiling, Malcolm said, “Fine. Good. Thanks.”

Gil frowned and put his gun away. Malcolm easily detected the frustration wafting from his mentor and tried not to think too much about the inevitable conversation about waiting for back up that would likely end with him over Gil’s lap having his backside roasted.

“What happened?” Dani asked.

“We happened.” Vijay said. “The Corner Table Boys. The Bad Seeds. We saved the day.” He patted Malcolm on the shoulder, and Malcolm couldn’t help but smile.

Then Vijay paused. “I’m not under arrest, am I?”

Malcolm’s smile faded, as he thought that question over with a worried look. Technically Vijay had been consorting with criminals, but hopefully Gil would look the other way about that.

Gil spoke up. “Not yet, but you’re also not free to leave. We’re all going back to the precinct, you’re both going to make your statements, and then we’ll see if anyone is getting arrested.”

# # #

Three hours later, everyone had given their statements, the criminals were all either in the morgue or in the hospital, and Vijay and Malcolm were waiting in the interrogation room for further instructions.

Gil came in, shut the door behind him, and leveled them both with a stern glare. He crossed his arms, and stood on the other side of the table across from them.

Malcolm shifted in his chair uncomfortably, and noticed that Vijay did the same.

Gil focused his ire on Vijay. “You came to us, told us that you wanted to help catch the robbers, and t hen went behind our backs to make a deal with them when you knew they’d killed people. Give me one good reason not to arrest you for consorting with known criminals.”

Vejay swallowed hard and opened his mouth to talk, but Malcolm beat him to it.

“I was with him the whole time, so technically it could be considered part of a sting operation to catch them.”

Gil’s glare snapped to Malcolm. “You’re in enough trouble already, kid. I’m speaking to Vijay, and he can answer for himself.”

Malcolm swallowed down his initial protests, and gave Vijay an apologetic glance.

Vijay focused on Gil and said, “You’re right. I did go behind your back to make a deal with them. I have no excuse for that. But I regretted it as soon as Malcolm showed up and reminded me that one of the robbers was a killer. I’m used to dealing with thieves, not murderers. I just got caught up in my usual routine of trying to get my job done, and I didn’t think it through. After seeing tonight’s carnage, I promise you that I’ve learned my lesson. Whether you press charges or not, I’m never going to make a deal with a known killer again. My life is worth way more than my job.”

Gil slowly nodded. “Okay, I believe you, so we won’t be pressing charges this time, but if you ever get brought into my precinct again, I won’t be turning a blind eye.”

“It will never happen again,” Vijay said emphatically.

Gil nodded. ‘Don’t leave town. The guy you ran over is supposed to make a full recovery, but he’s still in critical condition. We’ll notify you once he’s out of the woods. And you should hire yourself a lawyer, because odds are he’ll sue you once he recovers.”

Vijay nodded. “The firm has a lawyer on retainer. I’ll give her a call.”

“Good idea.” Gil nodded to the door. “Okay, get out of here.”

Vijay turned worried eyes to Malcolm.

“It’s okay,” Malcolm said. “Go on. Maybe we can have lunch tomorrow since you’ll still be in town.”

“Sure. I’ll text you.” Vijay got up, gave Gil a slight nod, and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Malcolm gave Gil his best puppy dog eyes. “I told you where I was going instead of running off by myself.”

Gil nodded. “That’s the only reason I won’t be using a belt.”

Malcolm winced. “I would have waited for you if the robbers hadn’t shown up. I couldn’t let Vijay go with them by himself!”

Gil put his hands on the table and leaned down. “Yes, you could have. Vijay got himself in that situation, and it’s highly likely that he could have gotten himself out of it with zero casualties. You inserting yourself into the mix added to everyone’s stress and ended with two people dead and three injured.”

Pouting, Malcolm said, “If I hadn’t gone, Vijay might be dead. And even if he was fine, the robbers probably would have gotten away tonight, and potentially killed more people in the upcoming days.”

Gil shook his head. “You should know by now that the end result isn’t going to save you from punishment.”

“I know.” Malcolm muttered with an unhappy huff.

Gil stood back up and crossed his arms again. “Tell me what you should have done.”

Focusing on the table instead of his mentor, Malcolm said, “Hidden under the dash when the van pulled up. Then I should have let Vijay go with them, and waited for you to arrive so I could tell you what was going on. Then we probably could have caught at least some of them when they brought Vijay back to his car.”

“That’s exactly right.” Gil went over to Malcolm’s side of the table, pulled the chair Vijay had been using away from the table, and took a seat. “Now, if we could just get you to do the things you know you’re supposed to do, we’d both be a lot happier.” Gil gestured for Malcolm to come over by patting his right thigh. “Let’s get this over with.”

Malcolm’s eyes darted to the door. “Here? Can’t we go to my loft?”

“I was thinking the pants could stay up this time, since you did tell me where you were going, and I do understand your urge to protect your friend, but if you don’t get over my lap in the next two seconds—”

Malcolm quickly went to Gil and leaned down across his mentor’s lap.

“Good decision.” Gil wrapped his left arm around Malcolm’s waist, and smacked his backside.

“Ow,” Malcolm complained. No matter how many times he’d been over Gil’s lap, it never failed to surprise him just how hard the older man could hit with the flat of his hand.

“Tell me why I’m spanking you, kid,” Gil said, sounding more tired than stern. But his hand didn’t appear to be the least bit tired, because it landed smack after harsh smack while Gil spoke.

“Because I didn’t wait for backup. Ow! I put myself in danger… Ow! …by going with the criminals, and probably… Ow! …put Vijay in more danger by… Ow! …asking too many questions! I’m sorry!”

“I know you are, kid. I don’t need you to be sorry. I need you to think about the consequences before you get into trouble.”

“I’m trying! Really, I am! Oow! Gil! I swear I’ll do better next… Ow! …next time!”

Malcolm’s eyes started to burn, and he knew tears were eminent. His ass stung, and it was becoming difficult not to reach back to protect his backside from the relentless slaps. Then, to Malcolm’s shock, Gil stopped spanking.

Malcolm’s entire body tensed with confusion, and his eyes darted to the door to see if someone had come in.

Gil patted his back and said, “Okay. All done. You can get up.”

“I can?” Malcolm craned his neck back to look Gil in the eyes.

Gil nodded, and put a hand on Malcolm’s upper arm to help pull him up. Gil stood with him, and pulled Malcolm into a hug.

“I’m going easy on you tonight, because I can tell that you have been trying to follow protocol. Don’t make me regret this by slipping back into your old self-destructive behaviors.”

Still a bit stunned, Malcolm shook his head against Gil’s shoulder. “I won’t. I promise.” Malcolm hugged Gil a bit tighter before letting go.

“All right, go home. Get some sleep.” Gil slid the chair back under the table.

“You too,” Malcolm said. He walked to the door and held it open for Gil. “You have to set a good example, right?”

Gil chuckled. “I suppose I do.” He put a hand around Malcolm’s shoulders and the two walked down the hall together.

The End.


Author’s Note: A blurb for season 1 episode 17 ‘Stranger Beside You’. Some lines are taken straight from the show.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters, and I’m not making any money from this story.
Warning: A couple of non-consensual swats of an adult.


Don’t Sell Yourself Short - S1xE17

Malcolm was about to leave the precinct for the evening when Gil came out of his office with his cell phone to his ear.

Gil waved Malcolm over.

Wondering if they have a new case already, Malcolm walked over and went into Gil’s office.

Keeping the phone to his ear, Gil shut the door behind them and said, “I’ll talk to him.”

Malcolm frowned. That didn’t bode well, and neither did the intense look Gil was giving him.

“Yeah, he’s right here in my office.”

Malcolm tried to remember if he’d done anything wrong on the most recent case, but nothing came to mind.

“I’ve got this, Jessica. Trust me. Get some sleep, okay?’

His mother? Malcolm scowled. That could only mean one thing. She’d told Gil about Eve. His jaw clenched with irritation. His mother had no sense of privacy when it came to his children. It was beyond annoying and extremely embarrassing.

Gil hung up and leveled Malcolm with a completely unnecessary glare. “Something you want to tell me, kid?”

Malcolm stuck his hands in his pockets and shook his head. “I can’t believe my mother called you to tell you that my girlfriend and I broke up.”

“She didn’t,” Gil said.

Losing some of his irritation, Malcolm cocked his head to the side and studied Gil. “She didn’t?”

Gil raised his eyebrows and gave Malcolm a somewhat exasperated look. “She called to let me know about a new lead on a murder investigation.”

Malcolm scrutinized Gil for a couple of seconds until it clicked in his head. “Oh crap! I was so wrapped up in the betrayal and breakup that I somehow forgot. I should have been the one to tell you that we have a new lead on the identity of the girl in the box.”

“Yes, you should have. But your mom’s going to stop by tomorrow morning and bring me everything she’s got on Eve’s sister.”

“I’m sorry. I think I disassociated those things. My brain doesn’t want Eve to be connected to the girl in the box.”

Gil stood up and put a hand on Malcolm’s shoulder. “I get that, kid. I honestly do. But it also makes me think you might need a few days off to process things.

“No!” Malcolm shook his head. “Please, don’t make me take time off. I need to work, Gil. You know I do.”

Gil squeezed his shoulder gently and said, “Okay, but if you’re going to keep working, you’re going to have to talk to me. After your mother told me about Eve’s potential relationship to the girl in the box, she started talking about you. She told me you were so upset that you smashed your phone on the ground like a toddler. And that you said you knew something was wrong between the two of you, because there’s something inherently wrong with you.”

Malcolm’s stomach twisted. “Because there is something inherently wrong with me. Multiple somethings. Less than five minutes ago JT made a comment about how messed up I am.”   

Gil frowned and looked out his window at rest of the office. “What exactly did he say?”

“He just said he was afraid that if he had a kid the kid might turn out like me.”

“I see.” Gil’s eyes narrowed, and he let his hand fall from Malcolm’s shoulder as he turned more towards the window to look out.

“No, don’t be mad at JT. He was just being honest.”

Gil focused back on Malcolm and his glare softened. “I want you to listen to me, kid. Eve didn’t target you because there’s something ‘wrong’ with you. She targeted your family because your father might have killed her sister. That’s not on you, that’s on him.”

“But if I were normal, she wouldn’t have been able to get so close.”

Gil rolled his eyes. “That’s a load of crap, and you know it. The more normal a person is, the more easily duped they are. If anything, the reverse is true. If you were normal, you probably wouldn’t have been able to tell anything was wrong in the first place. Not being normal doesn’t equate to something being wrong with you, Bright. In my opinion it makes you better.”

“Better?” Malcolm asked incredulously. “I can’t sleep, my hand shakes when I’m upset, and I’m haunted by a dead woman that my serial killer father murdered. That’s not better!”

Gil grasped Malcolm’s upper arm, turned him to the side, and smacked his backside hard.

“Gil!” Malcolm tried to pull his arm away, but Gil held on tight. Malcolm’s eyes darted out to the rest of office. Thankfully there weren’t that many people left at this time of night, and the three that were there, didn’t seem to be paying any attention to them. Gil hadn’t swatted him in years. He’d been an actual child the last time. He was too surprised to actually protest.

“Say something good about yourself,” Gil ordered.

Malcolm’s eyes snapped to his. “What?”

“Say something nice about yourself within the next two seconds or I’ll swat you again.”

“You can’t be serious!”

Gil broke eye contact to focus on Malcolm’s backside.

“Okay, okay, just give me a second. Ow! Gil, come on! JT is still out there along with two other guys.”

“Two more seconds,” Gil warned.

“I’m really smart!” Malcolm blurted out.

“Good. That’s true, you are.” Gil nodded in approval. “Give me another.”


Gil focused on Malcolm’s backside again, and Malcolm tried to twist away from him as he said, “I’m rich!”

Gil brought his eyes back to Malcolm’s. “Not sure I’d count that as something good about you, but I’ll take it. Give me another.”

“How many?” Malcolm whined.

“As many as it takes. One second.”

“I’m well educated.”

“Yes, that’s a great thing about you. Good job. Another,” Gil ordered.

“I’m well dressed.”

Gil sighed. “True, but not what I’m looking for. Try to dig a little deeper.”

“I… I like helping others. That’s why I do the work I do.”

“There you go. That’s the kind of thing I was looking for.” Gil turned him back around so they were facing each other, and put both hands on Malcolm’s shoulders. “I want you to think about something tonight, okay?”

“Okay,” Malcolm said warily.

“If you were normal, I’d probably be dead, and Martin would probably still be out there killing people. Any woman would be lucky to be with you, kid, trauma and all.”

Malcolm nodded. “Not sure that I fully agree with you, but I get your point, and I’ll do some serious thinking tonight.”

Gil patted his shoulder and let him go. “Good. Go on home and try to get some sleep. We’ll talk again tomorrow morning.”

“We will?” Malcolm asked, reaching a hand back to rub his backside. “About what?”

“About the information Jessica brings us so that we can follow up on the new lead.”

“Oh, right.” Malcolm nodded. “Yes. We should definitely talk about that tomorrow.” He backed away a few steps instead of turning around to leave. “See you tomorrow morning.”

Gil went back to his desk. “See you tomorrow.”

Malcolm turned and walked out. Thankfully no one made eye contact with him as he left the building, because he was sure his face was bright red. He wasn’t sure how much sleep he’d be getting tonight, but at least Gil had given him something to occupy his thoughts other than Eve and her betrayal.

The End.


Author’s Note: A blurb for season 1 episode 18 ‘Scheherazade’. Some lines are taken straight from the show.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters, and I’m not making any money from this story.
Warning: A couple non-consensual swats to an adult.


Don’t Stand Up Your Mother - S1xE18

Jessica put her phone to her ear as she wandered the fundraiser. When her son didn’t answer, she left him a scathing message. “Malcolm! My dearest, plus-one. This is your mother. I was just calling to let you know that since I am here… alone, I will be donating all of your inheritance to the Nicholas Endicott Endowment for the Arts because I know how much you love ballet.” She hung up and stuck her phone back in her little clutch purse. Even though it was an empty threat, it still felt good.

After she hung up one of the horrible women she used to hang out with came up to ‘visit’, which actually meant to throw verbal barbs. Luckily Nicholas Endicott himself came over and saved Jessica from the conversation.

He visited with her for a few more moments until ushering everyone into the ballroom to watch a couple of the ballet dancers perform for the people donating to the endowment.

Jessica was enjoying the beautiful ballet dancers up close for a few seconds, until one of the dancers started to shake during a lift. Then she watched in horror as he dropped the woman, spit up some blood, and collapsed.

Almost without thinking it through, she got out her phone a called Gil.  

# # #

Dani, JT, and Malcolm all arrived at the crime scene together and walked through Nicholas Endicott’s house to the ballroom.

Dani said, “You know your mom called this in, right?”

Malcolm joked, “You think she’s hanging out with the wrong crowd?”

JT said, “If you need to go find her—”

“No,” Malcolm said. “I was supposed to be her plus-one. If she sees me here, I could be the next victim.”

They had made it to the body, and Malcolm asked Edrisa what she knew so far. It didn’t take them long to deduce the dancer had been poisoned. Dani and JT went to question the guests while Malcolm and Edrisa continued to examine the body.

# # #

Jessica was busy comforting Nicholas when Gil arrived. After making introductions, and smoothing over a somewhat awkward moment when Nicholas seemed upset by Gil’s questions, Jessica asked, “Do you have any idea what happened to him?”

Gil shook his head. “I’m not sure, but Malcolm is talking to Edrisa right now.” Gil glanced behind him towards the ballroom. “They may have a theory by now.”

“Malcolm is here?” Jessica asked, clearly irritated.

“He is,” Gil said.

Jessica turned to Nicholas and said, “Excuse me, please.”

“Of course.” Nicholas said, and stayed to continue answering Gil’s questions.

Jessica walked to the ballroom and demanded, “Where is Malcolm Bright?”

Malcolm winced, hearing his mother’s tone.

Edrisa didn’t seem to notice the tone and said with excitement, “Oh my gosh, Bright, it’s your mom!” She walked towards the older woman, “Mrs. Whitly, it’s such a—”

Jessica walked right by her, zeroing in on her son. “Malcolm!”

“Okay,” Edrisa mumbled as Jessica walked by her.

She walked up to her son and said, “I should have known it would take a murder for you to show up for your mother.”

Not wanting everyone to hear their little family drama, Malcolm said, “Uh, excuse us, please, Edrisa.” He put his hand on his mother’s elbow and guided her out of the ballroom.

“Sure. We can hang later,” Edrisa said.

Once they were in a little alcove off to the side of the ballroom, Malcolm said, “Mother, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it for this.”

“Are you apologizing for standing me up, or because you missed your chance to witness a murder?” Jessica asked.

He looked back at the scene of the crime wistfully as if being able to witness the murder itself hadn’t occurred to him yet. 

Jessica reached out and smacked his backside with her clutch purse.

“Hey!” He spun back around to glare at her.

“I’m guessing you were with… her.” Jessica crossed her arms.

“Eve? Yes. I’m trying to help her. It’s the least our family can do.”

Jessica didn’t like it, but her son was right. She gave in with a slight nod. “I don’t disagree. So what breakthrough made you miss our plans and kept you from calling to let me know?”

He winced. “Well, it wasn’t so much a breakthrough as it was us making a plan.”

She scowled at him. “So let me get this straight. You didn’t bother to call me or show up because you and Eve were doing routine research and planning?”


She reached out with her purse and smacked him again, catching more of his hip than his backside.

“Mother!” he hissed with irritation as he took a step back.

“That’s for standing me up,” she said. “So what exactly are you planning? I don’t want you to do anything too extreme.”

He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows. “What would you consider extreme.”

She had to sigh. None of the Whitlys were exactly known for leading quiet lives. “Okay fine. Just tell me that whatever you’re planning, it doesn’t involve your father. Can you do that?”

He grimaced. “No, I can’t.”

Jessica was about to smack her son a third time, but Gil showed up to talk to Malcolm about the murder. Jessica let them go back to the ballroom while she went to find Nicholas.

The End


Author’s Note: A blurb for season 1 episode 19 ‘The Professionals’. Some lines are taken straight from the show.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters, and I’m not making any money from this story.
Warning: Consensual spanking of an adult by a romantic partner.


Don’t Blame Yourself - S1xE19


Jessica sipped on her alcohol instead of downing it. She wanted to get drunk, but refused to let herself wallow. Besides, it was dangerous to get drunk while dating a potential serial killer. Or… mastermind who had people killed? According to her ex, Nicholas Endicott wouldn’t get his own hands dirty, he’d hire someone to do his killing for him. She shuddered at the memory of him touching her.

She took another sip and tried yet again not to hate herself for being such a chump.

To her surprise, Gil came walking into her sitting room. Maybe she’d had a bit too much, because she hadn’t heard the staff let him in.

She stood to greet him. “You can tell my overprotective son that I am safe.” She held her drink up and asked, “Join me?”

He shook his head. “I can’t stay for long. I just came to check on you.”

She sighed, exasperated by his usual answer.

Maybe she appeared more desperate or lonely than usual, because Gil smiled and said, “Yeah, okay.”

Feeling immensely better by the tiny gesture, she poured him a drink.

“I’m sorry,” Gil said. “I know he was your friend.”

She shook her head, not wanting the sympathy. “You should be worried about Malcolm, not me.”

Gil smiled. “I always worry about Malcolm, as much as he resists it. A quality he shares with his mother.”

Jessica smiled, because they both knew that was the truth, and handed him his drink. They sat side by side on her couch.

After a moment of silence, Jessica said, “All Eve ever knew was pain. It’s such a shame that she’ll never see justice brought to the man who took her sister.”

Gil asked, “Are you talking about Martin or Nicholas?”

“What’s the difference?” she asked. “They are both malicious, deceitful criminals. And I chose them.”


She ignored her protest and continued. “What is wrong with me? What is it about me that I attract these horrible men?”

Gil put his drink on the coffee table, and grasped her free hand in both of his. He gave her a look she hadn’t seen a long time. A look that said he wanted to pull her over his lap and spank the nonsense out of her. But he wouldn’t do it without her consent, and she’d taken that away years ago.

“There is nothing wrong with you.” He spoke with so much earnest intent, that she couldn’t help but believe him. “And there are good men out there, too.”

She looked into his eyes, thinking back to the days when they were more than just friends. “I had a chance with a good man,” she said wistfully. “I screwed it up,” she admitted.

“We both did,” he said. But they both knew that wasn’t really true. She’s the one who ended things, not him.

The two looked at each other longingly for a few moments before Gil broke eye contact and smiled. “Too bad we missed our window, huh?”

She played along and let out a fake chuckle. “Yeah. Too bad.”

After a somewhat awkward silence, Gil said, “You remember the time Malcolm called me to investigate his missing turtle?”

Jessica let out a real chuckle. She hadn’t thought about that in years. Malcolm had always been a safe topic of conversation between them. One that brought them both a lot of joy along with a lot of frustration, but also a topic they almost never argued about. Playing along, she went down memory lane with him, recounting their shared fondness for her child.

Half an hour later, after a second drink and a lot of laughter, Gil said, “I should go.”

Trying not to let her disappointment show, she nodded. “Oh, yes, or course. It’s late. But thank you,” she added sincerely. She didn’t know how she would have coped tonight without his company. “I needed this.”

He stood, put his jacket on, and then leaned down to kiss her cheek before walking toward the door.

She stood up as well and called out desperately, “Gil.”

He paused and turned around. Once she had eye contact, she said, “We didn’t miss our window. I slammed it shut.”

He nodded in agreement, but said. “You were right to. I met Jackie. Had a whole life. We moved on Jess. No regrets.”

“I have regrets,” she admitted. “I told you we were from different worlds.”

“We are,” he said emphatically. Culturally he was from a working class Latino family and she was from an excessively wealthy Caucasian family. But that wasn’t what he was talking about, and she knew it. He was a dominant, and she wasn’t a submissive. Or at least, that’s what she’d let herself believe all those years ago.

“But that’s not why I ended things.” The alcohol made her bolder than usual. “I was scared. You were the one good thing in my son’s life. I couldn’t risk losing that if things went wrong between us. So I let you believe that you weren’t good enough for me, because it was easier than admitting… that I could never be good enough for you.”

He reached out and took her hands in his.

“You’re good enough, Jess. You have always been good enough.” He put a hand on the side of her face, and they both leaned in to kiss each other.

He pulled his lips away from hers but kept her in his arms. “It has nothing to do with good enough or not, Jess. You know that. I can’t be in a relationship where I’m not the one in charge. And you can’t be in a relationship where you have to answer to someone when you do something wrong.”

“I was so young back then. Young and afraid.”

She saw a flash of hurt cross his features.

“Not afraid of you, or what you might do to me.” She couldn’t help but smirk. “And since I’m being honest, I didn’t hate you spanking me.”  

He frowned. “You didn’t?”

“Physically,” she amended, “it wasn’t that bad. Emotionally I was a wreck. I was afraid of giving anyone that kind of emotional clout over me after everything Martin did. Afraid of putting that much trust in anyone ever again. Afraid of falling in love again.” She shook her head, thinking of her current situation, “And instead of trusting you, I turned you away and ended up with yet another monster.”

He gave her that look again. “Jess.”

“You have my permission,” she said.


Forcing the words out instead of backing down, she said, “Relationship or not, you have my permission to spank me. I know you want to.”

He let her go and shook his head. “You’ve been drinking. We both have. And you just found out the man you’ve—”

“No,” she cut him off, and closed the gap between them, and took his hand in hers. “I’m thinking clearly for the first time in a long time, Gil. I trust you implicitly. More than I trust… well any other person on the planet.” She put her free hand on the side of his face. “I feel so guilty. So ashamed. So disgusted with myself. You say it’s not my fault, and that I shouldn’t feel this way, so help me believe that.”

Gil sighed. “We’ll probably both regret this in the morning, but…” He towed her to the couch. “…I’ve always had a hard time saying no to you.”

“That’s not how I remember it,” she said.

He sat on the couch, and gently tugged her arm. She didn’t resist, and he kept pulling until she was face down across his lap.

She closed her eyes and let him maneuver her so that her upper half was resting on the couch, the toes of her high heels were touching the floor, and her hips were directly on top of his thigh. Before she could fully appreciate or enjoy the position, his hand slapped the center of her backside.

“Ah!” Her entire body jerked in surprise at that first smack. It was a lot harder than she remembered. She turned her head back to look at him with surprise.

“I’ve had a lot of practice since we were together,” Gil said. “You might not find it quite as tolerable as you used to.”

Dread pooled in her stomach, but instead of protesting, she nodded and turned her head back to face the couch. She’d asked for this, and even if she didn’t like it or want it, she needed it.

Gil’s had slapped her backside again and again, moving side to side, and covering every inch from the top down to her upper thighs.

She winced, tensed, and eventually hissed when he started going over skin that already stung.

The smacks stopped suddenly.

“There is nothing inherently wrong with you, Jessica.”

She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to reply to that or not, but before she could come up with a response, he started spanking again. She let out a surprised gasp and then clamped her lips shut. Yet again he covered every inch of her bottom with stinging smacks, and by the time he was done, she couldn’t quite keep her discomfort to herself. “Gillll,” she whined.

He stopped spanking again. “You don’t attract horrible men; you attract all straight men.”

The swats started back up, and Jessica finally caught on. They’d only tried this once back in the day and it had been a lot of talking, a barrage of spanks all at once, and then more talking and comforting when it was done. Apparently he’d changed more than just his physical technique.

“Ow! Gil, it… Oh! It really hurts! Gil!” She pushed on his thigh to get up, but he slipped his free arm around her waist to keep her in place. “Gil!”

Gil paused again. “Are you listening to me, Jessica?”

“Yes!” She kicked the tip of her shoe into the rug. “It’s difficult to do much else at this point in time now isn’t it?”

She heard him chuckle and glared over her shoulder at him.

He gave her a fond smile. “I’m already giving you the spanking you asked for, Jess. You might want to rethink giving me an attitude on top of it, because I can dish it out a lot longer than you can take it.” He focused back on her rear end and started spanking again.

“No! Gil! I wasn’t giving you attitude! Ow! I wasn’t! I was just... Stating the obvious! Ow! And I am listening to you! I am!” Her eyes started to burn by the time he paused again.

Gil rubbed her backside as he said, “You’re beautiful, you’re financially independent, and you have an air of confidence about you that men flock to. It’s not your fault that two of the many men you’ve attracted over the years turned out to be bad guys.”

“There haven’t been that many men,” she said softly.  

“Maybe not that you’ve slept with, but I guarantee that there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of men attracted to you over the years. Whether you believe that or not at this point is irrelevant. I want you to tell me that it’s not your fault.”

She shook her head. “I can’t.”

“I’m going to spank you until I hear you say it with sincerity in your voice,” he warned.

Jessica opened her mouth to protest, but all that came out was a loud, “Ow!”

Gil was spanking much faster than before.

“Okay! It’s not my fault! Gil! Ow! It’s not my fault!”

He kept spanking as if she hadn’t said a word.

“Gilll!” she protested, squirming to get away as her eyes burned anew. She threw a hand back to protect her poor bottom, but Gil barely missed a beat as he grasped her wrist and pulled her hand away. Feeling helpless, sore, and sorry for herself, the tears finally rolled down her face. Her chest ached, and her shoulders shook as she cried.

Again, Gil kept spanking as if she weren’t crying.

Between her tears she got out the words, “It’s not… my fault!”

Gil’s hand stopped accosting her backside as soon as she got the last word out.

As soon as she realized it was over, all her tense muscles relaxed as the fight went out of her. She couldn’t stop crying, but the tears were more cathartic than frantic.

Gil let go of her captured wrist, and started rubbing her back.

“Okay,” he said gently. “Tell me again that it’s not your fault, and then you can sit in my lap until you calm down.”

“It’s… It’s not… my fault.”

“That’s right, it’s not.” He flipped her over so that she was sitting on his lap, and then shifted her so that most of her bottom was pressure free before pulling her into a hug.

It took several minutes, but eventually Jessica’s tears dried up. She was exhausted and sore, but she also didn’t hate herself or blame herself for having a relationship with Nicholas Endicott.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

He gently patted her hip. “Anytime.”

The End

Author’s Note: A blurb for season 1 episode 20 ‘Like Father…’. Some lines are taken straight from the show.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters, and I’m not making any money from this story.
Warning: Non-consensual spanking of an adult.


Don’t Break House Arrest - S1xE20


Malcolm was just about to take his ankle monitor off his mother’s employee, Leonard, and put it back on himself when there was a knock on the door.

“NYPD! Open up!” JT’s voice came from the front door.

“Damn it.” Malcolm focused on his mother. “All right, I need 30 seconds, then let them in. Don’t go over 30 or JT will knock down the door.”

Jessica nodded, and went to stand near the door.

Within those 30 seconds, Malcolm got the ankle monitor off his decoy, put it back on himself, and sat on the couch as if he hadn’t just witnessed a murder less than an hour ago.

Jessica opened the door, “Lieutenant arroyo and friends. How can I—”

Gil, Dani, & JT walked in past her.

Gil said, “We need to see Malcolm, where is he?”

Malcolm picked up a magazine and pretended to look at it as his co-workers walked through the door.

“Detectives. How’s the case going?” he asked.

“Town and Country?” JT asked. “You expect us to believe you’ve ben here, reading this the whole time?”

“Where else would I be?” Malcolm asked. “Gil? What’s going on?”

Gil said, “Did you go see Everett Sterling?”

“No, of course not,” Malcolm lied.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Jessica asked. “My son has been here all day.”

Dani stepped forward. “You promise you didn’t leave?”

He leaned forward. “Dani, I promise you.”

“Okay,” she said.

Malcolm stood up. “Since you’re here, update me on the case. Have you made any headway with Eddie’s killer? I have some thoughts.”

“Sorry, kid,” Gil said. “You’ve got to sit this one out. We’re handling this.”

The three detectives turned to leave.

“Wait! I can help!” The turned back to look at him. “But not if I’m stuck here. Please, take me with you. I have to help.”

“We can’t.” Dani said, and the three of them turned to walk out again.

Malcolm saw them leaving, and blurted out, “I did it!”

The three detectives stopped, and his mother and sister both groaned behind him.

“I went to see Sterling,” Malcolm confessed.

His three friends turned back around, and each of them appeared exasperated.

“And he got shot right in front of me,” Malcolm said. Even though this was all part of making them include him, it felt good to tell the truth.

“You are a real piece of work,” Ainsley muttered.

Malcolm looked back at her and caught a glimpse of his bag under the couch. He pointed to it and added, “I used the extraction kit in that bag over there to free myself.”

His co-workers all stepped towards him, and Dani said, “You did what?”

Jessica said, “Malcolm, what in the name of all things holy are you doing?”

Ainsley said, “He’s making them take him.”

Gil muttered, “This family, I swear.” He turned to JT and Dani, “Go wait in the car.” Gil turned to Malcolm and added, “I’ll read him his rights and bring him out in a few minutes.”

Malcolm’s stomach sank.

JT frowned. “You sure about that, boss? You seem kind of… pissed.”

“Very sure.” Gil kept his eyes on Malcolm. “The kid and I are going to have a talk before we go back to the precinct.”

Malcolm shook his head. He wanted nothing to do with one of Gil’s ‘talks’ that weren’t really verbal exchanges. Especially at his mother’s house with his sister there, not to mention all the staff. Gil’s talks were always done at Malcolm’s loft, and only when he’d put himself in danger. And sure, technically taking his ankle monitor off and investigating a murder on his own might be seen as dangerous, but there’s no way he could have predicted that someone would shoot the lawyer he went to see.

“Gil,” Malcolm held a hand up in a placating gesture. “I wasn’t trying to put myself in danger. How was I supposed to know someone would be there to shoot Sterling when I showed up?”

“What’s going on?” Jessica asked. 

Gil turned to JT and Dani. “Out.”

JT held up his hands, and the two detectives walked out together.

Malcolm’s stomach sank even further.

Gil turned to Jessica and said, “Send everyone home for the night. All your staff, and Ainsley too."

“What?” Jessica shook her head.

Gil walked over to her and took her hand. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course.”

“Send everyone home, and we’ll talk.”

“You don’t need to do this,” Malcolm said. “I’m sorry I took the ankle monitor off, okay?”

Jessica scrutinized her son for a few seconds, before yelling loudly, “Leonard!”

He came scurrying into the room, “Yes?”

“Drop what you’re doing and go home for the evening. That goes for everyone. I’ll see you first thing tomorrow morning. Anyone who can get out the door in less than five minutes will get a five-hundred-dollar bonus.”

That got Leonard moving. While he worked on rounding up the staff, Jessica turned to Ainsley. “You heard the man, darling. Off you go.”

“Why can’t I stay?”

Resigned to his fate, Malcolm said, “Please, Ains, I’ll tell you tomorrow, okay?” He had no intention of telling his sister the truth, but she seemed to buy it.

She frowned but nodded. “Okay.”

Very soon, it was just Gil, Jessica, and Malcolm in the living room.

Gil turned to Jessica and said, “Did you help him take the monitor off?”

“Of course not!” She glared at her son. “I told him not to. He snuck off while you and I were talking like some teenager sneaking out of the house when they’re grounded.”

Gil took a deep breath and nodded. “Good.” He turned to Malcolm and said, “You want to tell her or should I?”

Malcolm crossed his arms and pouted. “How about option three? No one tells her, and we leave.”

Gil shook his head and focused on Jessica. “When Malcolm started working for me I fired him after he almost got himself killed. He begged me to give him a second chance, so I did, with one caveat. If he does anything dangerous or life threatening, I spank him.”

Malcolm’s face burned with shame. It was bad enough to let Gil do it to him so he could continue working for the NYPD. Having his mother know about it was almost too humiliating to endure.

“I’m sorry, what?” Jessica asked. “You… spank Malcolm?”

 Gil nodded. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but your son hasn’t put his life on the line for a case in over three months. Back when he started it was every other week, then once a month, and now…” Gil shrugged.

Jessica looked back and forth between the two a few times. “So you’re saying it works?”


“Interesting,” Jessica said.

“Mother!” Malcolm shook his head and gestured wildly. “It doesn’t work! Each case is just different, and I haven’t had to put myself in danger to solve one recently.”

Gil shook his head. “You can try to argue with the statistical facts, kid, but it’s not going to make a difference to me. We can do this here, or in your room. Which is it going to be?”

“My r—”

“Here,” Jessica said. She sat down in the armchair and said, “I may need this for future reference.”


Jessica crossed her arms. “I told you that you were grounded, Malcolm. I told you not to take the ankle monitor off. I told you not to talk to the police, and to let them handle the case. You’ve been disobedient all day long. If Gil wants to spank you for it, I’m not going to stand in his way.”

Gil advanced on Malcolm, who held both his hands out. “Gil, please don’t do this.”

Gil grabbed one of Malcolm’s wrists, and towed him to the couch. He tossed Malcolm over his lap and started spanking the seat of his slacks.


“I don’t want to hear it, kid.” Gil kept spanking fast and furiously. “You could have gotten yourself killed, and you know it.”

Malcolm buried his face in the crook of his elbow on the couch, trying to hide from the entire situation. But he couldn’t ignore the continued smacks to his backside. He tried to contain his usual reactions. There was no yelling, yelping in pain, kicking his feet, or apologizing and begging. He just tensed up and tried to remain as still as possible.

After a solid thirty seconds of harsh smacks, Gil paused. “Do I need to take my belt off, Bright?”

“Nooo! Gil, I’m sorry, really! I won’t do it again!”

“That’s more like it.” Gil started spanking again.

“Ow! Gil, I’m sorry! I am! I wasn’t trying to put myself in danger! I… Ow! Gil! I was trying to… Ow! …clear my name!”

Gil shook his head and paused. “You knew Endicott was after you, which means you knew that leaving this house was dangerous.” Gil started spanking Malcolm’s sit spots and upper thighs.

“Ow! Okay! Gil! I’m sorry! I swear! I won’t do it again! Gil!” Malcolm hated the way a spanking could bring him to tears so quickly and easily. He’d been through much more painful things like getting punched and cut, and those barely make him flinch. But Gil swatting his backside meant that he’d disappointed and scared his mentor, and that always brought on the waterworks.

Gil didn’t seem to notice or care that Malcolm was crying. He just kept right on spanking.

“I’m sorry!” he said through his tears.

Finally, Gil stopped spanking. He pulled Malcolm upright and sat him on the couch beside him while he was still crying. Gil pointed a finger in his face and said, “You’d better not do it again.”

Malcolm shook his head and said through his tears, “I won’t.”

Gil finally pulled him into a hug. Malcolm latched on, desperately needing the forgiveness that only Gil could give in this moment.

Gil hugged him tight. “Okay, kid. I believe you. You’re forgiven. Clean slate. Don’t let it happen again.”

“It won’t,” Malcolm said emphatically. Just like he had after every spanking. And every time he’d meant it, he just couldn’t seem to stick with it for very long. And even though he really didn’t want to admit it, he knew Gil was correct. The spankings were working. He was more careful now than he used to be.

“Well, that was enlightening,” Jessica said. “Difficult to watch, but enlightening.”

Malcolm let go of Gil a bit sooner than normal, and quickly stood up to get off his sore backside. He wiped the tears off his face with the sleeve of his sweater, which was actually Leonard’s sweater, and focused on Gil. He held his wrists out and said, “How about you arrest me so I can get out of here instead of talking?”

Gil shook his head. “Apologize to your mother first.”

Malcolm scowled at Gil, but turned to his mother and made eye contact. “I’m sorry.”

“For?” Jessica prompted.

“I’m sorry I left the house when you told me not to, and for putting myself in danger by investigating on my own.”

Jessica nodded. “Apology accepted.” She turned to Gil. “You’ll find the real killer, won’t you? Clear my son’s name?”

Gil stood up and slapped the cuffs on Malcolm as he said, “Of course.” Then he read Malcolm his Miranda rights as he led him to the car where Dani and JT were waiting.

On the way to the precinct, Malcolm sat in the back of Gil’s car and tried not to be obvious about squirming next to Dani. At least the seats in the car were relatively padded. Once they got him into the conference room with the hard metal chairs, Malcolm really didn’t want to sit.

Gil dragged him in, pointed to a chair and ordered, “Sit.”

With a pout and a slight wince Malcolm sat. Everyone around the table glared at him. To ease the tension, he said, “Guys, come on. Do we need these?” He held the cuffs up.

“Apparently, yes.” Gil said, still sounding annoyed even after punishing him. “You sure you don’t want a lawyer? You’ve been saying a lot of words for a man who’s the primary suspect in a murder investigation.”

JT said, “I’m thinking maybe he needs two sets of cuffs. Can we do that?”

“One is fine,” Malcolm said to the jab before turning to Gil. “And I don’t need a lawyer. I need to solve this case.”

Dani leaned in, “You need to stop lying to us.”

He countered with, “You need to start believing me!”

JT said, “Uh, do you guys want to…”

“Talk about how I’m being framed? Yeah. Sterling told me how Endicott forges DNA evidence. Now, that I get.” Malcolm’s rear end was becoming too sore as he continued to sit, so he stood to talk, which was normal for him while working a case. “What I don’t get is…” He suddenly realized that Gil had ordered him to sit, and that his mentor might have done that specifically because he knew it would hurt. “Uh, wait, can I stand?” Then to make his question seem more normal in front of JT and Dani he added, “Suspects don’t usually stand.”

Gil said, “You can stand.”

“Great. Thanks,” Malcolm said continuing with his original train of thought. “What I don’t get is who did the actual killing.”

From there the three of them started actually working the case, and concluded that their best option for solving the case was for Malcolm to visit his father, because Martin had dirt on Endicott that no one else did. Then Gil was actually the one to uncuff him, once they had a plan for the next step, and Malcolm knew that his mentor had fully forgiven him.

The End


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